Hi Everyone,
Okay, I'm going to get right to it. Right now I really don't know any other way. My son Hank passed away. Many of you already know this, but some of you may not. My boy is gone, March 1, 2023, and here I am, not waiting for him to come home.
It's been a long time since I wrote a blog and got personal, but now just seems like the right time to jump in. I am challenged beyond anything I have ever experienced and yes, here I am, in the game and doing my best because, well, Hank would have it no other way.
He was my life, my heart, my love, and my joy. He journeyed with me for almost 33 years, and I am blessed beyond measure to have been his mother. He lived a big fat life, and for that I feel proud and grateful. So very proud of him for his courage and tenacity, his joy and his spirit. So grateful because he taught me so much, and showed me what love truly is.
Hank would want me to keep on keepin' on and so I am. I cry a lot, talk to him a lot, and say to his dad a lot, "Where's Hank? Where the heck is he?" because it just seems so unbelievable that he is not here...not physically here.
Among so many other things, Hank was a true example of what natural healing and allopathic medicine combined can do. Sadly, we have a long way to go with any true integration in the two fields (my dream would be to see naturopathic docs working right along side allopathic's with full mutual respect to find the best solutions). We worked hard to support Hank's health in every way we could find so that he could lead the most vibrant life possible. Even in his last days, his joy sparks flew so often in the hospital that there were times I swear he was the one holding us up rather than the other way around.
Anyway, there it is. Hank's dad and I are extremely blessed to have each other, even though we haven't been together as a couple since Hank was three. But we were 'Team Hank', and in our grieving we still are. We are so grateful for the incredible abundance of love and support from family, friends, and so very many of you all.
As those of you know who were at Hank's service, we had this prayer card made up for Hank. The story there is that a few Christmases ago Hank, his dad and I were enjoying breakfast at my sister Terry's. We were having a pretty intense political discussion, talking and listening and learning. Hank was an amazing listener, and he had strong political feelings. He was a non-verbal communicator, and one of the ways he communicated was through typing. After Marty, Terry and I had finished going back and forth, I asked Hank if he had anything he would like to share. Hank took a moment, then typed "Love Wins."
There you have it.
Bright Blessings to you all, and may you always let love win.